A Leader in Emerging, Pioneer, and Frontier Financial Markets Advisory for More Than Two Decades.
The WesBruin Worlds BLOG segment is located just above our contact section below.
1(703) 474.4061 (global)
WesBruin Services
Discover Our Unique Expertise
WesBruin Capital offers a significant range of financial advisory services focused on alternative investment and trading opportunities in emerging, pioneer, and frontier markets/economies. We provide high value-added financial and socio-economic guidance to a broad variety of domestic and international entities ranging from specialized boutique trading firms to global investment enterprises. Our distinctive analytical approach to developing and less-advanced markets uniquely combines financial, behavioral economic, and anthropological acumen. We can assist you in calibrating your decision-making calculus to attain higher levels of success through targeted, forward-thinking research, creative risk management, and highly effective out-of-the-box global investment strategies. Contact us today to learn more about WesBruin services and what our specialized expertise can achieve for you.
- Sovereign Debt Advisory -
- Sovereign Judgment Debt Placement -
- Exotic / Impaired Debt Valuations -
- Exotic / Impaired Debt Placement -
- Exotic / Impaired Debt Conversion Advisory -
- Exotic / Impaired Debt Arbitrage Strategies -
- Exotic Debt Pricing Analysis and Historical Tracking -
- Trade-related Alternative Finance Advisory and Placement -
- Special Situations Advisory (Emerging, Pioneer, and Frontier Markets) -
- Pioneer Market Sovereign Bond Analysis -

Debt Advisory - Sovereign, Impaired / Defaulted and Trade Finance Origin Assets
With over twenty years of specialization in emerging, pioneer, and frontier markets, WesBruin has the capacity to effectively research and target exceptional, less conventional investment and trading occasions that can offer high-yield outcomes, both short and long-term. WesBruin is also well-skilled in the valuation, placement, and conversion (primarily, but not exclusively, debt-for-equity and debt-for-trade structures) of complex, exotic sovereign, trade, and corporate debt. Additionally, the firm is exploring ways of utilizing distressed sovereign debt to encourage the pursuit of environmentally-friendly projects (Green Finance) in a number of select economies, producing beneficial outcomes for both creditors and debtors.

Alternative Investment and Risk Management Consultation
WesBruin's long experience as a skilled identifier of unique, alternative investment opportunities in highly specialized debt markets can facilitate the generation of more positive portfolio results for clients pursuing enhanced yield scenarios. Our firm's concentration is on the discovery and analysis of extraordinary hidden value in less-orthodox assets while mitigating risk exposure.

Refined Investment Stratagems for Emerging, Pioneer, and Frontier Markets
Through finely targeted research, exclusive tactical mechanisms and direct access to high-level local government, financial and business networks in a variety of developing and less-developed economies, WesBruin is able to pinpoint uncommon, higher-return assets that other more traditionally driven firms oftentimes fail to properly identify and evaluate.

Historical Pricing Research and Tracking for Sovereign debt - Emerging, Pioneer, and Frontier Markets
WesBruin Capital is well-known for its historical sovereign debt price tracking and analysis, particularly involving countries with less advanced economies that evince substantial growth potential. WesBruin covers select performing as well as impaired debt issues. Our pricing services (The WesBruin Tables) have a wide audience and subscribers range from large multinational hedge funds to niche investors. Please contact us for subscription rates.
A small sample of recently posted WesBruin INDICATIVE* debt prices is provided below:
106.016 bid - 106.062 ask
105.625 bid - 105.718 ask
BELIZE 2038 BOND (defaulted)
45.00 bid - 55.00 ask
107.362 bid - 107.500 ask
COMORO ISLANDS (defaulted trade-related debt)
1.00 bid - 3.00 ask
ERITREA (judgment debt)
9.00 bid - 12.00 ask
IRAQ PARIS CLUB LOANS (partially performing)
60.00 bid - 80.00 ask
LEBANON 2021 BOND (defaulted)
14.00 bid - 14.50 ask
MONGOLIA (past-due trade-related debt)
27.00 bid - 38.00 ask
83.500 bid - 83.625 ask
111.516 bid - 111.531 ask
ZIMBABWE (defaulted trade-related debt)
3.00 bid - 8.00 ask
*NOT a solicitation to buy or sell ANY of the listed assets. Price listings are for research purposes only.

WesBruin Worlds:
An Emerging, Pioneer, and Frontier Markets Blog
WesBruin Worlds is a bimonthly publication dedicated to providing unique economic and political perspectives on developing and less-developed countries / markets.
Contact Us
Contact us and discover how our services can benefit your company.
WesBruin Capital, Inc.
Alexandria, Virginia
1 (703) 474.4061 (global)